Friday, April 13, 2012

Today was the last full day in Jackson, Mississippi, and we spent it by taking a tour of Jackson and Mendenhall. Mendenhall was the hometown John M. Perkins where he grew up, started his ministries, and was beaten up and imprisoned for standing up for a bus of wrongly convicted African American teenagers. Taking a tour of Jackson was really cool because it allowed me the chance to see what Jackson used to look like and what it looks like now. I found it to be interesting when I saw Confederate flags waving outside buildings or when I saw the eagle on the old capitol building facing south (it’s suppose face toward Washington D.C.) because it showed me how the effects of racism and white supremacy were still prevalent today. I’ve always considered racism a thing of the past for the most part. But this revealed to me firsthand racism in modern society, and I realized that I could, and should stick up for what was right. However, the thing that affected me the most was how Dr. Perkins and the early church underwent brutality, beatings, and persecution for what they believed in. During our Bible studies with Dr. Perkins, we looked at the first several chapters of Acts which talk about the beginning and establishment of the early church. The twelve disciples went out into the four corners of the earth preaching and spreading the Word in the name of Jesus. They were put in prison, they were beaten, and they were killed, and yet they never lost their faith, their courage, or their steadfast devoutness in Christ. Similarly, when we toured Mendenhall, I saw the same dedication, courage, and faith in Dr. Perkins and his family and friends. This really challenged me because it’s one thing to say I’m a Christian, but it’s another to say I’m a Christian if it means I’m going to lose my life. Will I take the blow for Him? Will I take the bullet for Him? These were questions that made me realize first what if means to be a true disciple and second who examples of true disciples are. I am really glad I had the chance to go to Mendenhall with the team today; it was a great way to end the week.


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