Saturday, April 11, 2009

Uno mas?

Spanish seems like a theme in this blog as well as on this trip- in the form of a card game that has nothing really at all to do with the Spanish language. A card game which is currently being played rambunctiously and with fervor (at this point, it seems we do almost everything in this way) around a round table after an eclectic, international meal of Chinese chicken salad and bread sticks with marinara sauce. But I swear we do more than sit around playing card games and eating various meals from around the world. After an adventurous car ride (which included TWO sightings of Sonic, the endangered species of fast food chains) the team played a spirited game of "two hand" touch football at the Reservoir Park. "Two Hand" is in quotes because, apparently, everyone's definition of 'two hand' is different. It's okay. We embrace diversity here in Jackson. After the game and after The Decapitators dominated despite the ultimate score, we relaxed around the Reservoir/Lake, taking pictures on the dock and searching for alligators. And now as the screams of the numero uno resounds in the house, celebrating the last day of Lent, I think I speak for everyone on the Jackson team when I say that tomorrow is Easter and we're muyyy excited! 

I came, I saw, I blogged; Ariana :)

1 comment:

  1. Funny how two sentences into this excerpt, I knew it was Ariana who was writing it. And the mention of Sonic just confirmed it. Sounds like you're having a great time so far. The kids look forward to playing with Uno with you, that's one of their fave card games. And I hear you wash cars now? So I look forward to you washing our cars in NY. Love ya. "Vaya con Dios!"


