Thursday, April 18, 2013
Our Final Few Days
Our last days in Jackson were spent studying together, serving together, learning and growing together, and (of course) laughing together. Check it out :)
Wednesday, April 3, 2013
The first thing that Dr. Perkins did the second he walked in the door was push us out of our comfort zones. He pushed us to be bold and step up. I was so unbelievable amazed at the love that Dr. P has showed us! He walks around so proud of his story and difficult past. He tells me that when we sob and complain about our problems, we don’t leave any room for God to work in us. He tells me to turn every negative in my past into a positive. I was so blessed that I shared with Mr. Perkins a little bit about my past and for the rest of the night he took me around the center and showed me off. Me, a sinner of a difficult, dark past. Yet, he put me on this pedestal that I do not deserve to be on. He makes everyone feel so special and he will never forget to tell us that, Yellow, brown, black or white, we are ALL precious in HIS sight. This trip was one of the most impactful things I’ve ever done! I am so blessed by the beautiful testimonies behind every face and I thank God for them. I am forever blessed by the fellowship I was a part of here and I pray that the flame that God has ignited within me wouldn’t go out. Thank you God for the opportunity and thank you for your son. Thank you all who supported me through this trip. You have made such an impact on my life and I thank you.
In Christ Service,
Chelsea Trujillo
On Tuesday we were able to take a trip to Mendenhall, where Dr. John Perkins began his faithful journey as a civil rights activist and started living his life for God. We entered the area beginning with the poverty filled side where the majority of the people living there were colored. The houses were beat up and torn apart. We were fortunate enough to take a tour of the Mendenhall Ministries foundation where John Perkins and his wife started their ministries. Going into the gym they have there gave us a sense of what the kids take part in everyday after school. There were murals all over the walls expressing unity and the love God has for us. The pictures were so inspiring and you were really able to get insight on how they live. On one mural, it was a picture of a railroad and then children of every color playing with each other and holding hands. This was significant because in the town of Mendenhall, a railroad literally splits the two extremes and separates them. On one side you see the poverty and the hurt, but the second you cross over the railroad you begin to see nice buildings and stores and big properties with beautiful homes. The majority of people switch to whites and it’s almost like you entered a completely different city. When I was reflecting on the drive back, I started to wonder what the whites thought about the poverty that was walking distance from them. I wanted to know how they felt about the separation and if any of them considered helping them. Walking up and down the main street where most of the boycotts and parades took place during the civil rights movement was like walking back in time and just taking on the burden that the black people took on in that time. And the thing that strikes me the most is that all of this wasn’t even that long ago. I hope to take this experience back with me and just love on others and accept them for everything that they are. This trip has truly been life changing and has given so many more perspectives on life.
Tuesday, April 2, 2013
A time such as this.
The LOVE and
Joy that over flows from this community is overwhelming. Being here in Jackson,
Mississippi, I have been touched by God’s grace. By grace we have been saved.
The people here are such a great example of grace. They love and welcome like
God welcomes. I came into this experience thinking that I would touch lives,
but the reality is, these people have touched me. Dr Perkins told us to live
our life out of the gratitude of the grace that God so freely gives us. Grace,
what is grace? In the words of Dr. John Perkins: “Grace is the very essence of
God”. After sitting and listening to Dr.
Perkins speak to us, I am speechless at the wisdom he has. He walks into a room
and immediately starts talking. He has such a profound gift and uses that all
for the GLORY of God. While on this trip I had an experience of a lifetime. I
had the honor of going through Dr. Perkins' old photos. I was assigned to create
a collage for Mrs. Perkins. I’ll never forget what Dr. Perkins said about this
collage. He said he wanted this hung in the Spencer Perkins foundation but also
wanted it to be able to be used at the funeral of his dearest wife. Wow. I was
blown away. What a blessing that was. I went back in time and looked the life
of a solider of Christ. I am forever blessed by the work that is being done
here. I am forever blessed that God is our PEACE, that he made us ONE, he broke
down the barriers. We are ONE.
Christ Service,
nights ago we had a big discussion about the future and how God always has us
in his plans and that our future may be rough but it’s for the better. I think
us talking about moving hit me due to my move this upcoming summer. We all
started talking about our past struggles and how God was speaking to us. It seemed
God had sent promises to everyone but me. But that night I had heard that
everything was going to be ok, and that this move will help everyone in my
family. Molly shared a verse to me and I think it has really helped me listen
to God’s promise. Romans 8 verse 18 says, “ I
consider that our present sufferings are not worth comparing with the glory
that will be revealed in us.” The chapter goes on to say, “And we know that in
all things God works for the good of those who love him, who[i] have been called according to his purpose.”
(verse 28) I know that whatever God plans for me will be turned for the better,
even if its hard in the beginning. The same goes for everyone. Many in our
group session talked about their past moves and it really showed me that I’m
not alone.
Joy Unspeakable
JOY. There is joy in this place
of Jackson Mississippi and at the Spencer Perkins Foundation. God is working
and is alive and if it takes a trip to travel down south to experience him and
the Joy it is worth it. I prayed and asked God to open my eyes and prepare my
heart to hear and see the new things he has to teach me. We have all fallen
short of the glory of God yet he still loves us. The theme for our Jackson Team
2013 comes from Titus 2:11-14 it is powerful, “11 for
the grace of God has appeared that offers salvation to all people.
12 It teaches us to say
“No” to ungodliness and worldly passions, and to live self-controlled, upright
and godly lives in this present age, 13 while we wait for the blessed hope—the appearing
of the glory of our great God and Savior, Jesus Christ, 14 who gave himself for us to
redeem us from all wickedness and to purify for himself a people that are his
very own, eager to do what is good.” This speaks what this whole trip
has been about. Our pride is what entangles us in our sin. This causes racism and hatred toward others.
If we just learn to become selfless and humble before God and desire good to
all, the world would be changed for the better. I am constantly struck how much
HOPE Dr. John Perkins has faith in this generation to rise up and to be
different. That through the power of God and from the Grace he offers us we can
overcome anything. Dr. Perkins has such much wisdom and brings so much joy and
smiles. I want to adopt him as my grandpa. He inspires me so much. It was such
a blessing to attend church at New Horizon church and have devotions early in
the morning or late at night. The Pastor was very passionate and taught us that
faithfulness brings redemption. Jesus was faithful to the task God had for him
on the cross and I am challenged to do the same. The three points: 1. Hearing
to God’s voice 2. Submitting to God 3. Persevere and never give up. WE are REDEEMED. Many times sitting there listening to my teammates talk about how God is
speaking to them and breaking walls and or chains allowing us to be open and vulnerable
for God to do a work in us. Other people need to blog but just wanted to tell
you all that God is good and ALIVE.
Count it all JOY.
Anna Spykstra
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