Sunday, April 24, 2011

Good Friday Reflection

Can't even imagine myself in your position.
All the things you've gone through and all your oppostion.
How much you sacrificed and gave up for us.
We could grasp on to something to hold..something to trust.
With the pain you went through, the tears and the pain.
You endured it all and took the blame.
And because of your blood you saved us all.
It's our turn now to live out your love and stand tall.
We'll remember this day always and forever.
The day you laid down your life..just so we could spend eternity together.

On Friday for devotions we went over how Jesus was in the Garden of Gethsemane and how he was praying to God. The first time he asked God if that there could be a way that this weight (dying on the cross) could be taken off him; a bit later he said, not my will but your will be done. Following this discussion Hailie had read us about what it would've been like to be on the cross..all of the physical effects of being on the cross. All of the suffering and pain that God went through was to save us. Although we deserve nothing.. God placed his son on the cross to reedem us of our sin.

When we went through this discussion I thought of how I've been taking God's grace, mercy, and love for granted; how I do not thank him enough for what he's done for me. This discussion challenged me to have a desire to seek out his people and his kingdom for the better.. to love your neighbor as yourself. I'm looking forward to growing closer to him in this experience/trip and growing closer to everyone here!

-Celeste Melim

1 comment:

  1. A beautiful reflection Celeste! We are praying for you and are inspired that our Savior is doing such great things in all of you!


