Sunday, April 24, 2011


Well, it's the third day out here in Jackson, Mississippi and it's already been such an inspiring and life changing experince... And we have a whole five days left! It's so exciting and I can't wait to just live these next few days to the fullest! I've already seen God moving so much in everything these days and it's truely breathe taking, words can't even describe the feelings that I've gotten just from these past three days. God's truely changing the lives of myself and the people around me. This community that they've developed out here is so incredible! These people have just met us and they treat us like family, our "accent" doesn't matter, where we're from doesn't matter, color doesn't matter, clothes don't matter... the only thing that matters is that God is our Father and that we believe that truth with all of our heart! This foundation itself is just an inspiration to love. Our house has collages all over the walls of different teams that have come out here and just been impacted by this foundation and it's crazy to think of all the things they've made that we've been able to se around the foundation like the gardens, playgrounds, and just buildings around the area that they've built or helped build and to think of how much those things are impacting the people who get to use or see them and how much it impacted the people who built them. I guess for me it's just somthing to think about how. How doing the little things or big things in life impact so many people. How this community is building more and more each day and how there is so much love in the whole area not only in the people but the objects around the foundation. It's so cool. God's working out here and it's such a blessing to just be out here together with all of my brothers and sisters in Christ.


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