Friday, April 22, 2011

It's Friday. Friday.

Rest assured. We have arrived in Jackson. But not after a few fun times. One thing we learned today is to never play extreme spoons in the airport...I guess it scares people when they see a bunch of high schoolers diving under chairs. Oops. Also, the word "bomb" should never be spoken aloud. Especially when everybody gets quiet for a moment. Cough. Cough. Jordan. It was pleasant arriving at Jackson during the daytime. We had no trouble finding our way to the Perkins Center...even with these crazy drivers. We have explored the art of competive gaming early on. Girls barely beat the boys in an intense game of Catch Phrase. Actually Chad, the girls killed you guys....sorta. Anyways, the wall is already filled with quotable quotes and notable notes. Each student designed their own personal envelope to share encouragement with each other throughout the week.

Already, the house is filled with lots of laughter and good discussion.
We enjoyed dinner with JP and took a tour of the center. We enjoyed hanging out with JP and playing basketball with foundation workers. We are also excited about an Easter carnival tomorrow at the Perkins Center, where we will get to fellowship with children from the community as we celebrate Christ's resurrection. Please pray for this event to go smoothly as they are expecting 1,000 attendents.

Today is Good Friday. Tonight, Hailie and I did a devotion on Christ's suffering on this day over 2,000 years ago. The team reflected on the physical suffering of Jesus and the depth of his sacrifice. As leaders, it was incredible to see God working through this group of students. We are not only teaching them, but learning from them as well. We have seen the beauty of God's diverse creation coming together under the cross and we are blessed. As a symbol of community and coming together as one, we annointed each group member. First, we annointed the ear, for the things that they will hear this week. Next, we annointed the thumb, for how we will serve. And last, we annointed the big toe, for where God will lead us. We are beyond excited about how we feel the Holy Spirit is moving and is present on this trip. Thank you for the continued prayers and support.

In Christ,
Chad and Hailie


  1. Thanks Chad and Hailie for the update! Sounds like you are all doing well. What a cool experience anointing each other. That's awesome. We hope that today's Easter carnival went well today. Love and blessings, Debi, Bryan and Jenna Jacobs

  2. Jackson Team,
    Greetings from Jerusalem! So great to hear that your time in Jackson has begun. Thanks for the blog updates for those of us around the world who are invested in you guys with prayer. My prayer for y'all today was for a working of the Holy Spirit in your lives this weekend and for an awareness of how God is at work around you. Keep the updates coming!


