Thursday, March 28, 2013

TEAM 6. day 1.

We made it!  Here is a glimpse into our day of travel from home to here.  We're excited to be in Jackson and for the week that lies ahead.   


  1. Happy Good Friday everyone! Glad to see you made it. Taylor and Morgan, APUSH just isn't the same without you...Steph, same for gov't, although you don't come to class as much ;). Have a great Easter weekend in MISSISSIPPI, we'll be praying for you.

    Mr. Kok <><

  2. Love all of you! Wow, can't believe this is team 6 already! God is so good! Praying for you guys. Tell Anna JOY I love her and miss her:) Have an amazing time! Sending some Love from South Africa. Blessings for good friday and easter! God has great plans for you in MS! SHalom and Love always

    -Sarah Spykstra

  3. I am praying that God is OVERLY GENEROUS with His blessings this week for all of you!

  4. Praying for God's protection over you all, and that your hearts will be open to everything He wants you to learn. Missing you all.
    Anna Baith

    PS: Missing your wit and sarcasm Christina. Love you!


