Sunday, April 12, 2009

new to me, maybe old to you

What i found so refreshing about my Easter Sunday this afternoon didn't take place this afternoon at all. It was early this morning when Dr. Perkins came and did devotions with us before church. I thought that this morning was so different because of what JP was sharing with us about the christian faith. Lets be honest, most facts and ideas about our religion have all already been written down as truth, but what John Perkins had to to say to us this morning was different. He was talking to us about Easter weekend, particularly Good Friday, and how it isn't actually the good day at all. Whaaat? My first thought, in all honesty, in first hearing these words was basically "excuse me? John Perkins is trying to disprove something about Christianity???" And then i realized, that is not what he was trying to do at all. The more i listened to his words and the more I heard what he was saying, I realized that was exactly what he wanted us to think he was saying, so that we would proccess everyy word he spoke and really THINK about them. The scriptures say that Jesus had to be dead for three days, and in their times a day consecrated an evening and a morning. Well, in this case, its impossible to be burried on Friday and raise on Sunday, and still fullfill the prophecies. Basically, all that JP was telling us, (or at least what i got out of it) was not to let our religion be held down, or held up for that matter, by symbolism, or the "facts." What is important during the holidays, ( which the actual days, he reminds us,  are chosen by men) is to remember the reason we celebrate them. to remember Gods love, and plan for us. That is why we celebrate Easter, because He is alive in us and around us. Not to cut the Ham.

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